Saturday, April 23, 2011



Kepteni mstaafu wa JWTZ Sensei Geoffrey Shoo ambaye ni Chiefanaki Instructor wa Okinawa Den Goju Ryu Arnis, Kali na Escrima ambaye pia ni mwanasheria akielezea historia ujio wa sanaa hii ya kujilinda katika dojo kongwe kuliko yote nchini usiku huu katika hekalu la kujilinda lililopo katika shule ya msingi ya Zanaki jijini Dar es salaam wakati wa sherehe za miaka 38 ya dojo hili
Sensei Geoffrey Shoo akimtambulisha Sensei Brighton Manyau (shoto) ambaye ni mmoja wa wanafunzi wa kwanza wa muasisi wa Goju Ryu karate nchini hayati Namtambu Camara Bomani, akifuatiwa na Sensei Malekia, kiongozi mkuu wa Hekalu la Kujilinda
Sensei Malekia akiwatambulisha Chief Instructors (Sensei) wapya waliopandishwa daraja usiku huu. Toka kulia ni Sensei Geoffrey Mbezi, Sensei Rashi Almasi na Sensei Ndaukile Amri
Sensei Brighton Manyau akimvisha mkanda wa kijani mmoja wa vijana wanne waliopanda daraja toka mkanda mweupe
Sensei Manyau akimpandisha daraja mwanafunzi kijana
Sensei Manyau akimlisha keki Sensei Malekia
Sensei Sawayaeli Geoffrey Shoo akipata keki ya sherehe
Sensei Manyau akikata keki. Chini akimpandisha daraja Sensei Mbezi
Sensei Malekia akieleza jambo
Sensei Ndaukile Amri akipandishwa daraja

Masensei wakiwa na wanafunzi waliopandishwa daraja
Sensei Malekia akiwa na vijana wadogo waliopanda daraja toka mkanda mweupe kwenda wa kijani
Sensei Rashid Almasi akipandishwa daraja
Juu na chini wana Goju Ryu na wageni wakisimama kimya dakika moja kumkumbuka hayati Adam Lusekelo, mmoja wa wanafunzi wa awali hapo dojo

Producer wa muziki Ramal (kulia) akijiandaa kupiga kumite na mmoja wa wanafunzi waandamizi. Wadau toka kila fani ni wanafunzi katika dojo hili
Vijana wengi wanashiriki katika dojo hili
Ankal akiwa na masensei. Yeye pia kapitia mafunzo haya kwa miaka takriban 18

Kata ya Geki Sada Ichi
Kata ya Geki Sada Nii
Juu na chini ni namna ya kumdhibiti adui mwenye kisu
Kisu hakifuagi dau mbele ya mwana Goju Ryu... labda - labda - uje na cha moto...
Kinadada nao wamo kwa sana tu...
Mgeni rasmi Sensei Brighton Manyau akiongoza wanafunzi na wageni waalikwa katika mnuso
Wageni wakipatiwa mlo
Bondia veterani Iraq Hudu naye alikuwepo
Msosi wa nguvu

Monday, November 1, 2010


Master Gichin Funakoshi
1. Karate-do begins with courtesy and ends with rei.
2. There is no first strike in karate.
3. Karate is an aid to justice.
4. First know yourself before attempting to know others.
5. Spirit first, technique second.
6. Always be ready to release your mind.
7. Accidents arise from negligence.
8. Do not think that karate training is only in the dojo.
9. It will take your entire life to learn karate, there is no limit.
10. Put your everyday living into karate and you will find "Myo" (subtle secrets).
11. Karate is like boiling water, if you do not heat it constantly, it will cool.
12. Do not think that you have to win, think rather that you do not have to lose.
13. Victory depends on your ability to distinguish vulnerable points from invulnerable ones.
14. The out come of the battle depends on how you handle weakness and strength.
15. Think of your opponents hands and feet as swords.
16. When you leave home, think that you have numerous opponents waiting for you.
17. Beginners must master low stance and posture, natural body positions are for the advanced.
18. Practicing a kata exactly is one thing, engaging in a real fight is another.
19. Do not forget to correctly apply: strength and weakness of power, stretching and contraction of
the body, and slowness and speed of techniques.
20. Always think and devise ways to live the precepts of karate-do every day.
"The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory nor defeat,
but in the perfection of the character of its participants"
Gichin Funakoshi Sensei
This is a photograph of the memorial to Master Gichin Funakoshi that is located on the grounds of Engakuji Temple, in Kamakura, Japan. Master Funakoshi studied Zen here under Chief Abbott Ekun and completed his training around 1929 and it was then that he changed the name of his Okinawan art from "Tode" (Chinese Hand ) to "Karate-Do" (Empty Handed Way).
This photo was taken by, and very kindly provided to me courtesy of Sensei Thomas Casale, Go Dan (5th Dan), Chief Instructor, JSKA-USA.

Monday, October 25, 2010

sensei Eichii miyazato na Sensei Nantambu Camara Bomani

Sensei Eichii miyazato na Sensei Nantambu Camara Bomani


Tanzania lauches Goju- ryu Karate Association

Tanzania lauches Goju- ryu Karate Association  Send to a friend
Tuesday, 26 January 2010 08:52
By Fadhil Iddy
The introduction of Martial arts are now set for an increase in the country as a new national sports association, dubbed Tanzania Goju-ryu Karate Association is set for it’s registration.
The registration of the martial art sport would be added to the list of among other martial art’s sporting events, karate, which has seen Tanzania competing in several international events, including Saba Saba International annual tourney.
The event, which is being organised by the Tanzania Shotokan Karate Association (TASHOKA) has severally seen the coming of karatekas from various countries like Kenya and Uganda.
Apart from karate, whose association is known as the Tanzania Karate Association, include Taekwondo and kick-boxing.
Sensei Rashid Almas, who is one of the Go-Juryu founding members said yesterday that  they are now in the process of registering the sport with the National Sports Council NSC).
“This kind of sport would help Tanzanians for their self defence as well as preventing them from diseases”, said Almas.
He said apart from playing for leisure, and preventing from diseases, the sport also helps a person to become physically and mentally fit.
He said that they have managed to open branches in several Mainland and Zanzibar regions, waiting for the registration.
The branches include Mwqanza, Morogoro, Dodoma, Manyara, Arusha, Tabora, Shinyanga, Kilimanjaro, Mtwara and Lindi.
Other branches are those of Pemba, Unguja and Dar es Salaam.

SENSEI BOMANI: Pioneer of martial arts in Tanzania

Sensei Bomani: Pioneer of martial arts in Tanzania  Send to a friend
Thursday, 22 April 2010 21:22

Freddy Macha
Freddy Macha
Picture this.  It is 1973. The world is buzzing; not from volcanoes or earthquakes. We are 37 years behind issues of environment.

Terrorism is around yes, but it is not September 11 nor al Queda bombs on American embassies in Nairobi and Dar es Salaam in 1998, either. In 1973 planes are being hijacked and a year earlier Israeli athletes were executed during Munich Olympics.

CIA helped topple and kill President elect Salvador Allende in Chile. The era of Nixon Watergate in the US, Vietnamese war and Black Panthers hunted; some exiled to Africa and Tanzania.

Times of high moral ground, when Dr Walter Rodney’s classical book How Europe Underdeveloped Africa is released with a prologue by Tanzanian Minister of Economy, Abdulrahman Babu.

Yet Babu is soon detained because Zanzibar leader Mr Abeid Karume has just been assassinated.

Yes, it is 1973 with riots and strikes in factories and secondary schools across Tanzania. Students and workers demand better leadership. So much is happening.

In this tumultuous mood, liberation movements in Mozambique, Angola, South Rhodesia, Namibia, South Africa, and Cape Verde challenge colonialism. A sad casualty in 1973 is Amilcar Cabral brilliant leader of the Guinea Bissau campaign.

So much happening.

July 1973, Chinese actor and martial artist, Bruce Lee, dies suddenly in Hongkong. The news shock the world since he is only 32 years old.

As Bruce Lee passes away, Enter the Dragon, is released.  It is historical. Enter the Dragon reaches Tanzania and is a huge event. I am one of many youths mesmerised after watching it at the Empire Cinema; a few seconds from the Askari Monument  centre of Dar es Salaam.

Having seen Enter the Dragon me and my friends start training martial arts. Bruce Lee and Kung fu becomes hero and fashion; a song by a Jamaican singer, Carl Douglas can be heard everywhere.

“Everybody Kung fu fighting. Ha!”
Around this time a young African American called Nantambu Camara Bomani sets up the first  martial arts  school in Tanzania. Sensei (teacher)Bomani becomes our new role model.

He teaches us that Bruce Lee is a fantasy; that to become a great fighter like that means more than screaming and high kicks. You need discipline to train, understand yourself and eat well. Respect other people; leave the seat for older people in buses and public places, but most of all love your society.

“Yes, Sensei Bomani was like that,” recalls  Charles Da Costa who as a teenager studied under Bomani in New York back in 1977.

Nowadays Da Costa, runs his own Kungfu academy in Denmark.  Like everyone else he was heavily influenced by teachings of Sensei Bomani who died aged 63, August last year in Ghana.

 Back in 1974 when I began training with Bomani we would talk a lot. He would express his love for Africa and say how life in America was so superficial. He quickly learnt Kiswahili and married Fathia, a Kariakoo lady. Fellow American, Floyd Webb, wrote in his blog recently:

“He walked among the common people of Tanzania with respect and love, having married a Tanzanian woman and living in the community instead of the usual expatriate abodes, separate and apart from the real community.”

Last Monday the school Sensei Bomani established at Zanaki in Dar Es Salaam celebrated thirty seven years.  During his time Bomani had only a few high ranking students. Today there are at least fifty black belt (the advanced rank in Karate) graduates plus schools (dojos) in Mwanza, Arusha, Moshi and Mbeya.

According to Sensei Malekia who leads the dojos, approximately 8,000 Tanzanians have graduated from Goju Ryu Karate since Bomani’s days. Karate, which means empty hands (i.e. defending yourself without relying on weapons) in Japanese, keeps you fit and healthy.

For younger people it is especially beneficial for developing a strong mental attitude. Sensei Malekia says because of the prevalence of drugs and vagrancy amongst Tanzanian youth, they have set up daily classes at an affordable fee programmed in three categories, i.e. children, youth and adults.

 “Children who cannot afford  are given a free start, “ he says. Bomani’s legacy is not only stamped in Tanzania. He also taught fighters of Nelson Mandela’s ANC and helped establish various schools in the USA.
For more info contact Sensei Malekia 0784 775454.

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    Sensei Bomani alianza mafunzo yake ya karate miaka ya 60.Mpaka mwaka 1968 Bomani alikuwa ameshakwenda Okinawa Japan kujifunza na kufundishwa na Seinsei Eichii Myazato,Sensei Bomani alikuwa mwanafunzi wa Sensei Eichii Miyazato mpaka miyazato alipofariki mwaka 1999.

Miaka ya mwanzoni ya 1970 Sensei Bomani alifungua dojo yake ya mwanzo Ithica,New York.Bomani pia ndio aliyeleta Jundokan tanzania na Africa kwa ujumla.Alianzisha na kufungua shule ya kwanza ya gojuryu jundokan dar es salaama mwaka 1973 na kuanziasha Tanzania Okinawa Gojuryu Karate association.Sensei Bomani pia alikuwa MUHIMILI mkubwa wa kueneza jundo kan gojuryu marekani.Alianzisha dojo nyingi katika majiji ya New York,Washington,Kentucky na Ohio.Ameacha wanafunzi waandamizi YUDANSHA/SENPAIS,mimi nikiwa mmojawapo katika africa na marekani.Alianzisha pia Okinawa Gojuryu Karate-do Kyokai Jundokan USA na kutumika kama rais wa kwanza wa chama hicho pia alianzisha West Africa Okinawa Gojuryu Karate-do Kyokai.Dojo zake nyingi bado ziko na zinaendelea kusambaza filosofia ya traditonal okinawa gojuryu.

Sensei Bomani aliendelea kushirikiana na Dojo zake nyingi alizozianzisha africa na marekani pia kusafiri kwenda okinawa kwa mafunzo zaidi.Madaraja yote ya vyeo vyake katika rank za gojuryu dan nane 8th dan
 alipewa na sensei Eichii Miyazato,Kati ya wanafunzi wake wakuu waandamizi wa tanzania ni,Daudi Magoma,Mabruki,Geoffrey Shoo,Brighton Manyau,Pascal Irungu,Heri Kivuli,Marehemu Bofu kwambwa,Geoffrey Mbezi,Alfred Malekia na wengine weeeeeeengi amabo mpaka leo kwa namna moja au nyingine wanaendelea kuisamba za Gojuryu Tanzania.

Mwezi August 2009 Seinsei Bomani alifariki kwa ugonjwa wa moyo,alizikwa katika jiji la Accra Ghana Africa ya magharibi.Sensei Bomani alikuwa muhimili mkubwa na muasisi wa Gojuryu africa na Marekani NA aliktunukiwa dani ya 9 9th dan,kwa juhudi zake binafsi na mapenzi ya gojuryu alisambaza karate katilka mabara haya mawili ya Africa na Maekani.Kwangu alikuwa mwalimu Mkuu,Rafiki,Role model and ispiration,.BWANA AMETOA NA BWANA AMETWAA JINA LA BWANA LIHIMIDIWE.